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Partner Sim Selection...

MC Command Center > MC Pregnancy > Partner Sim Selection...

Valid Partner Ages
Specifies the ages that Sims must be for eligibility to be partners for pregnancy. One or more ages may be chosen.
Allow Affairs Percentage
Percentage chance to allow married Sims to be parents in random pregnancies outside of their marriage.
Enforce Family
Enforce family relationship validations when checking for pregnancy partners.
Partner Gender...
Specifies the Gender that is valid for partners of pregnant Sims. Male, Female or both may be chosen.
Same-Sex Percentage
The percentage chance that a pregnancy will be allowed between two Sims of the same gender. This is dependent on the other Pregnancy settings allowing a same-sex pregnancy to happen as well.
Use Same Age-Group
Only allow Sims in the same age category to get pregnant.
Occupancy Preference...
This setting determines if partner candidates for marriage or pregnancy are limited by where they live.
Partner candidates for marriage or pregnancy may be selected regardless of where the Sims live.
Same Occult Only
If enabled, scheduled pregnancy runs will bypass Sims that are different occult types when generating random pregnancies (ie. only vampires and vampires will have babies together). Note that robots can also be made to only marry robots with this option.
© KlingonDragon
© Deaderpool