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Adoption Settings...

MC Command Center > MC Pregnancy > Adoption Settings...
Change settings for the adoptions generated during scheduled pregnancy events. Note that these settings have no effect on active Sim adoption through the computer.
Opposite Sex Adoption Percent
The percentage chance that an opposite-sex couple will adopt a child rather than have one through pregnancy. Zero will cause only pregnancies to happen and 100 will cause only adoptions.
Same Sex Adoption Percent
동성 커플이 아이를 입양보다는 임신을 통해 하나가된다 비율로 설정합니다. 0은 임신발생하게됩니다 100만 입양의 원인이됩니다.
입양 연령
Specifies the ages valid for random adoption. Babies, Children, Toddlers and Teens are valid choices.
Adoption Percent Male
The percent chance that a random adoption Sim will be a Male rather than a Female.
Rename Non-Active Adoptions
Determines whether to rename an adopted child for an NPC or Played Sim after same-sex relationships adopt.
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© Deaderpool