Pet Pregnancy Settings
MC Command Center > MC Pregnancy > Pet Pregnancy Settings
임신하는 연령대
Specifies the ages that Pets are eligible for pregnancy within. One or more ages may be chosen.
Partner Age
Specifies the ages that Pets are eligible for being a partner to a pregnant Pet of the same species.
최대 아기 수
The maximum number of offspring a Pet can have during a pregnancy.
Pregnancy Percentage
최대 자녀 수
The maximum number of offspring a Pet will have during their lifetime.
노숙자 임신 허용
If enabled, homeless Pets in households (not strays) are eligible for random pregnancy.
임신알림메세지 표시
Shows a notification post when a Pet gets pregnant.
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통지 유형에 대한 알림 메시지가 표시되지 않습니다.