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Change Interaction Behavior...

MC Command Center > MC Tuner > Change Interaction Behavior...

친절한 '자고가게 하기'
'자고가게 하기' 메뉴가 친절한 상호작용 메뉴에 보입니다.
친절한 '싱글인지 묻기'
'자고가게 하기' 메뉴가 친절한 상호작용 메뉴에 보입니다.
Allow Emotional Deaths
If Enabled, the emotional deaths that occur when a Sim gets too Playful, Angry or Embarrassed will be allowed. If disabled, these deaths will never happen.
Stop Random Flirting
Prevents Sims from flirting with another Sim autonomously when they are in a flirty mood if they have no prior romantic relationship levels. Note that if this setting is used, the Autonomous Flirty setting is ignored.
Allow Monster Under Bed
If this setting is disabled, toddlers will no longer have nightmares and children will not be bothered by the monster under the bed.
Allow Teen Move-in
Allow Teens to invite other Sims to move-in and also to be invited to move-in.
Allow Multiple BFFs
If enabled, there is no limit to the number of BFFs a Sim may have.
책 치우기 수정
사용하도록 설정하면, 심즈는 읽거나 숙제를 완료 할 때 책을 챙기지 않습니다.
Disable Witness Death
If enabled, when someone dies on the lot, no Sims in the area will run to watch the death happen. This doesn't disable the sorrow buff from someone they know dying. It just disables the interruption that happens to witness the death.
Allow Instant Upgrades
When enabled, Sims will perform upgrades instantly and will require no components.
© KlingonDragon
© Deaderpool