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Gameplay Settings...

MC Command Center > MCCC Settings... > Gameplay Settings...

로딩 후 일시 중지
로딩할 때마다 게임을 일시 중지합니다.
게임 시간 속도
심 시간 1초에 대한 실제 시간 밀리초. 기본 설정은 25이고 이보다 작으면 더 빠르게, 크면 더 느리게 하루가 갑니다.
부지의 심 죽이기
사용하도록 설정 한 경우, 심즈는 '킬 심'명령으로 사망 할 때 죽음의신에의해 죽을것입니다 그들은 부지에있는 경우와 거리를 방황하는 경우, 그들은 단지 유령입니다
스킬 난이도 조정
Change Skill progression to be slower or faster. Valid settings are from -50 to 10 with a default of zero. Negative is slower progress, positive is faster. Every negative point is -10%, so -10 is 100% slower, -20 is 200% slower, etc. Positive are 100% per point, so 2 is 200% faster up to 10 which is 1000% faster.
Adopt Neglected Child
If enabled, when it is determined that a baby, toddler or child is neglected, they will be adopted by an NPC household in the world rather than taken away by social services.
Maximum Household Size
Defines the maximum number of Sims allowed in a household. Note that if this is changed to more than 8, CAS will not function correctly to show all Sims in the household.
Motive Decay
Teleport Sim Overlap
If this setting is enabled, when teleporting a Sim into another Sim's location, they will teleport directly on top of the other Sim. If disabled, they will teleport to the side of the other Sim.
Use Random Aging
When enabled, new Sims generated by the Sims 4 do not start at zero days into the current age span. This was a new feature added by EA for Get Famous.
Maximum Rename Length
The maximum length allowed for First and Last Name each when renaming a Sim with MCCC. Default is 14. WARNING: Specifying a first or last name longer than 14 characters will result in a CAS error if that Sim is modified and saved.
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© Deaderpool