Populating Settings...
MC Command Center > MC Population > Populating Settings...
Percent Baby
The percent chance that a game-generated Sim will be a Baby rather than a Teen.
Percent Toddler
The percent chance that a game-generated Sim will be a Toddler rather than a Teen.
Percent Child
The percent chance that a game-generated Sim will be a Child rather than a Teen.
Percent Adult
The percent chance that a game-generated Sim will be an Adult rather than a Young Adult.
Percent Elder
The percent chance that a game-generated Sim will be an Elder rather than a Young Adult.
Percent Male
The percent chance that a game-generated Sim will be a Male rather than a Female.
Butler Age
Defines what ages are valid for a butler Sim.
Run Dresser
Run Dresser Clean on Sims after they are generated by the game for any reason.
Import Tray Settings...