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Import Tray Settings...

MC Command Center > MC Population > Populating Settings... > Import Tray Settings...

Import Tray Sim Percent
Determines the chance that a Sim randomly generated by the Sims 4 will import the name and appearance of a Sim from the library of the player instead.
Import Tray Sim Type
When importing a Sim from the library, this setting will limit the households used for import to only player, only others (from online) or any.
Limit Import By Tags
If enabled, then households allowed in an import will be further filtered based on include and bypass tags. Disabled by default because it increases access-time when loading households.
Include Gender Options
When importing a Sim from the library, include any gender options saved on the imported Sim.
Include Clothing
If enabled, when the Sim being imported is the same gender and age group as the imported Sim, the clothing from the imported Sim will also be included.
Import Sim Name
When importing a Sim from the library, this setting will limit the households used for import to only player, only others (from online) or any.
Import Bypass Appearance
If enabled, Sims imported from the tray to replace randomly generated Sims will bypass automated changes to their appearance and physiques. They will retain their physique and appearance from how they were saved.
© KlingonDragon
© Deaderpool