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Money Settings...

MC Command Center > MCCC Settings... > Money Settings...

Pay Child Support
If a child is not living with both parents, this setting can allow money to be removed from or paid to the active Sim household.
Child Support Percent
The Percent of a parent Sim's value that will be billed for each child they are paying support on. This includes lot value plus household funds.
Change Bills Percent
Setting this percent will increase or decrease the weekly bill amount. The default is zero, which is standard billing-amount. -100 would be no bills. 100 would be double bills.
Apartment Bill Percent
Setting this percent will increase or decrease the weekly bill amount. The default is zero, which is standard billing-amount. -100 would be no bills. 100 would be double bills.
Auto-pay Bills
If enabled, when bills are generated, they are automatically paid if the active household has the funds available.
Inheritance Sim Type
When a Sim dies, this setting determines whether or not they leave any of their household funds to their spouse or children depending on the type of Sim that is dying.
Inheritance Spouse First
If enabled, when a Sim dies, if they have a spouse then that spouse will receive the inheritance rather than the children.
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© Deaderpool