Build Buy Settings...
MC Command Center > MCCC Settings... > Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Console Command Settings... > Build Buy Settings...
BuyDebug Enabled
If enabled, the BuyDebug cheat (bb.showhiddenobjects) will always be enabled upon loading the game.
ShowLive Enabled
If enabled, the ShowLiveObjects cheat (bb.showliveeditobjects) will always be enabled upon loading the game. Note that the bb.showhiddenobjects command is always automatically run for this setting for it to work correctly.
Move Objects Enabled
If enabled, the Move Objects cheat (bb.moveobjects) will always be enabled upon loading the game.
Free Build Enabled
If enabled, the Free Build cheat (bb.enablefreebuild) will always be enabled upon loading the game.
Ignore Unlocks Enabled
If enabled, the Ignore Unlocks cheat (bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement) will always be enabled upon loading the game.